By bag and mask
- Turn on oxygen
- Select appropriate size resuscitation mask
- Connect oxygen tubing to resuscitation bag oxygen inlet
- Connect oxygen tubing to flow meter
- Turn on flow meter to appropriate rate (10 lpm)
- Place mask over casualty's face covering the mouth and nose
- Hold the mask firmly in place, ensuring a good seal
- Maintain head tilt and jaw lift
- Squeeze the resuscitation bag until the casualty's chest rises, then release (2 seconds)
- Continue to observe the casualty for airway secretions and obstructions
Resuscitation using a bag and mask is a two person procedure, with one person holding the mask and the second person squeezing the bag.
Manual suction
- Turn casualty on to side if possible
- Prepare suction unit
- install an unused container into the suction device
- remove the protective cap from the tip of the suction catheter
- Spread the victim's teeth using the cross- finger technique
- With the other hand insert the catheter into the victim's mouth toward the back of the throat
- insert the catheter only as far as the base of the tongue
- Squeeze the suction handle and hold it until suction stops
- repeat the handle squeeze as needed
- Return to ventilations as soon as possible
- Suction only the mouth
Do not suction for more than 15 seconds at a time.
Do not place the catheter tip any farther than the base of the tongue
Dressing technique
Before commencing cleaning/dressing of wound using aseptic technique (sterile), the trolley or bench should be disinfected.
- Place disposable bag away from sterile field by taping to the side of the trolley/bench.
- Collect items required for dressing - dressings/fluids, etc.
- Expose areas requiring dressing.
- Wash hands thoroughly.
- Open outer pack. Discard.
- Open inner pack and arrange items with top pair of forceps.
- With same pair of forceps, remove soiled dressings. Discard dressings and forceps.
- Pour solution and open appropriate dressings.
- Wash hands and put on gloves.
- Place sterile towel between wound and attendant, holding towel by its edges.
- Using forceps pick up swab. Moisten lightly with solution.
- Cleanse wound swabbing from the outside in - one stroke, one swab.
- Dry wound and complete dressing. Secure with tape.
- Wrap disposable items. Place in paper bag on side of trolley.
- Dispose of equipment into contaminated waste receptacle.
- Disinfect trolley/bench.
- Wash hands thoroughly
Eye irrigation
- Wash your hands
- Explain to the casualty what you are going to do
- Examine eye
- Prepare equipment
- Eye wash (check expiry dates)
- Kidney dish
- Paper towel
- Wash your hands and put on gloves
- Ensure adequate lighting
- Position the casualty (normally sitting)
- Eye to be irrigated down and to the side.
- Reassure and make comfortable.
- Ask casualty to open eye.
- You may need to assist the casualty to keep their eye open.
- Place kidney dish against cheek.
- Direct a continuous steady stream of irrigating eye wash solution towards the inner part of the eye, move the stream towards the outside of the eye. Do not touch the eye with the eye wash device
- Re-examine eye
- Repeat eye irrigation if unsuccessful
- Dry casualty's face
- Wash hands
- Apply eye pad if required
- Refer for further medical assistance if required
- Clean equipment and re-stock
Hand washing
Prepare hands and arms up to elbows ready for washing:
- Remove any jewellery from hands/wrists
- Turn water on and mix to appropriate temperature.
- Wet hands under running water
- Apply soap - preferably liquid soap from a dispenser
- Work lather over hands and wrists working up to elbows. Soap well in between fingers - minimum 1 minute
- Rinse hands and arms thoroughly under running water from hands down to elbows
- Hold forearms upright and allow to drip dry
- Dry each hand on separate disposable towels. Turn tap off by using paper towel prior to discarding it into pedal bin